Friday 10 June 2011

Fear of calling strangers or something....

I have been doing great so far in my internship, and everything seems to be progressing really well except for one thing. I have to call strangers to gather more information. For someone like me, it's a bit of a pickle. I have numbers, I'm preparing a guideline/script so that I don't mess up, but I just don't like calling people I don't know. I never have.
A few years ago when the delivery people started coming out with the whole ORDER ONLINE thing, I was so up for that. Since then I haven't called in once to get pizza or anything. If there has to be a call made, I make someone else do it.
I started looking up ways to overcome this fear on the internet, but no such luck. Maybe it's because I worked as a cold caller for a whole week, to try and get people to donate their money. Or the other time I worked about a month at a survey place. The surveys were freakishly long, and I had to tell people it wouldn't take up much of their time.
Thinking about what I have to do isn't that big of a deal anyways, I've contacted these people through email, and they gave me the okay to call, and ask some questions. It's not even like I'm selling them anything.
WHY OH WHY DID THIS HAPPEN TO ME?! I could walk over to their place, meet them face to face, and chat them up like we're the best of friends, but when it comes to calling them...-sigh-
Well, I will be giving it a shot this afternoon. Outside of my little corner in this office. It get's very quiet in here when everyones working, so I was thinking of going into the stairwell to make these calls. Well, I got a peanut butter, and banana sandwich waiting for me, so I'm heading to lunch, after thatI will be trying to make those calls.

Better start putting on my brave face or my game face, and brace myself!

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