Thursday, 23 June 2011

A few of my top rated youtube comments

I am a Youtuber.  I love youtube, so much, that when I go home, I don’t go and sit on the couch to watch TV.  I go to my computer, and Youtube.  Being this kind of person, I have become fairly decent on getting some of the top comments that I will share with you.  Some of them are rather embarrassing, but I wrote it, and I must own up to it.  While most of my comments remain at the bottom of the barrel, washed away with the rest of the mundane comments that plauge Youtube, most of them generate at least 30 thumbs up or stay on top for a while.  It is rare that my comments get any thumbs up past 100, here are a few that I know have gotten up there, and some that are just plain silly!

Last one getting a lot of likes:
The comment: "OMG! A video that's not uploaded by VIVO! Thumbs up from me!"
Yes, the spelling error was there, but the message still went through.  Of course this also lead to people thinking I was an idiot, and ignorant for back talking about vevo.  It’s not so, I don’t mind vevo, I just knew that saying this would get a lot of thumbs up in that particular video.  Last count thumbs up was at, 63.
Before that one.
The comment: "Seriously, how does someone let it get that bad?! First bug I'd see, I'd start taking everything apart!"
I said this, because it was based off of feeling.  It seems to be that it would be common sense for one, to start checking after they found one bed bug.  But it seems that it is not!  The reason I am putting this one up, not mainly because of the likes, but because it was on top for a very long time!  At last check it was at 22 likes, on top for a few months!
This one is really kind of embarrassing what I said, but here it is.
Comment: When I was watching the guy, I was watching his feet.
When I was watching the girl, I was watching her boobs.
Yes, yes.  I talked about me watching a girl’s boobs, which is why I put the little emoticon on the bottom.  It was truthful, and it shocked me.  It was also truthful, and perverse to a lot of other people as well.  It stayed up for about 6 days, and it generated 159 likes in its time on top.

So this one will be making me admit one of my Hollywood crushes.
Comment:  I have the biggest crush on him! He is so funny!
I hope his girlfriend knows, that she's so lucky!!!

It’s truthful, it’s sweet, and it’s even a little hurtful if he is on your list, because you know that this kind of guy will always be with the one he picks(unless he or she decides to break it off).  Topped out at 147 likes, and was up for a period of about 3 months.

This one actually gave me quite a backlash.
Comment : Am I the only one that thinks that looks kinda cool?
I don’t know why people felt the need to reply in a hateful manner.  But this one goes to show, if you are truthful in your comments, you can go against the grain.  The grain being that everyone hates it.  114 likes.
Those are all the ones that I still had in my inbox.  Generally, when you start getting your comment liked, and on top, people will try to reply to it.  That being said, people have hated me, if not for any other reason than the fact that my comment was on the top.
For the last one, I had about five people reply, saying that I was fucking dumb, and other shit like that.  So that's a reason that has pulled me away from youtubing comments.  Too much negative people on youtube.  It's actually quite fascinating.  I, myself have been sucked into a youtube argument a few times, but in the end I always let the other person take the last word.  It's too much energy wasted in the form of a petty online argument, and I try not to do that anymore!


Monday, 20 June 2011

Water, water everywhere, and I shall drink it all!

Water. The ultimate thing in everyone's life. It's also something I have been denying my body for pretty much the whole of my life, until recently.
Let's say my diet, since I was young, hasn't been influenced greatly by healthy foods. I was brought up in a home that had less than others, and so buying more for less hunger was better for us than buying for health and eating less.
One thing my mom always told me, was how much I didn't eat when I was younger. I couldn't believe that, when I really started thinking about it. She also said, I'd try to finish what I had on my plate, but I never did. Now, it's coming back to me. My younger days filled with dreams, instead of thoughts of my next meal.
The reason why I am putting this out there is because I have recently had a major change in my diet, and if you can tell from the beginning of this, you must know it's drinking more water! I have started drinking more water, a lot more! A year ago, hell even six weeks ago, I was drinking maybe a cup a day, while now, I am drinking up to and past 8 cups a day. Now I average about one cup every hour or two. I love it!
Some things have become very noticable to me, and to others as well.
One of the first things is acne. I get acne or so I thought. After about a week of drinking plenty of water, I seemed to have flushed out all my acne. It's amazing! Even my cousin who I took to the movies last week sometime, asked me if I started using proactiv or something, and I told her I wasn't, I was drinking more water, and she said 'Yup, that'll do it!'.
Even around(sorry) that time of the month, I didn't get very much, a few little ones, but ones that I wasn't afraid to look at. It was like magic in my eyes.
Second thing I noticed was that I have to urinate more. I thought that I had a big strong bladder when I was younger, because I could hold it for much longer, but now I know it's because I had no fluids in my body to flush out! Stupid me. I'm actually starting to wonder if I was seriously dehydrated when I was younger. When walking around, I would sometimes get virtigo for no reason, but that hasn't happened to me in a while(not that I miss them or anything).
Third thing I noticed was my breath. I have always been aware of my breath, but what I wasn't aware of is how foods affect your breath. I knew that certain foods and drinks, like coffee, and onions can cause bad breathe, but I never knew that any food, can leave that icky taste in you mouth! I just ate an apple, like a half hour ago, and I can still taste it in my mouth, and it's not pleasant! Drinking my water is helping it go away, and I like having a clean feeling mouth now.
Fourth thing, which is probably the biggest thing, is that my appetite has greatly decreased! I've told people that lately I just don't feel like eating, and so don't. But I try to eat something every once in a while, because I know I have to feed my body something. It actually amazed me at the food portions I can no longer eat! I went to the Red River Exibition this weekend, and I had so much trouble eating a slice of pizza, a SLICE of pizza. I had to force myself to eat the other half of it, because well, it was $5, I didn't want to waste my money.  Holy cow was I full! One of the things I said earlier was that my family was not the biggest on healthy eating, so my main source of liquids for almost the whole of my life has been soda, and juice.  Now that I no longer under the will of my parents, and I have a stronger will, I know that drinking water is the best thing ever!  Having plenty of water in my system has changed my food intake greatly!
Last thing, water has helped me stay cool. Everytime summer comes peaking it's head around the corner, I get freaked out, because it gets hot outside! Not, just dry, but wet. It's hot, and humid, and leaves you(well, me) feeling gross after a walk. But so far this year, it hasn't been bad at all! I still get hot, and bothered, but I can stand it more. Which means I will be able to play out doors with my niece more often, and I love playing with my niece.
So all in all, drinking a lot of water is actually keeping me happy. It makes me feel great, and it's nice to drink, because it doesn't leave a sticky sweet taste in your mouth that turns acidic like a half hour after you drank it! I haven't noticed effects on my hair, I think because of the shampoo I use. Anyways, I have to go refill my cup. Take care, and drink more water!

Monday, 13 June 2011

Internet Personality

I spend a lot of time on the internet. I always have. When I was about 12-13 I use to love sleeping over at my friends place, because she had the internet. I would stay on till 3 in the morning.
Tragically, it had carried into my older self. Too often I find such awesome things over the net. I could practically live in it, it's like a whole different universe. That being said, I have developed an internet personality. It sounds lame, and I know it, but that's how my internet personality, and I roll. The way it came up, was observing how other people act on the internet. It's quite normal for people to only be a certain type like a troll, newb...etc. and they can be the people that never evolve past that. Why? I don't know. What I do know, is that my personality over the internet has majorly changed since I started going on the net.
When I was younger(I really hate to admit this) I used to be one of those sicko flirting girls. I was totally all about talking to guys and what not. But I had an edge. I didn't like seeing penis or balls on my screen, and I didn't talk about it either. I also constantly told people off, but not in the "go die" kind of way, but more like "your fathers condom broke, and thats how you got here" kind of way.
The internet has lead me to a cruel part of me that I didn't know existed. I made friends over the net, but to the people that angered me, I was the biggest bitch in the internet world. I could make a stone cry I was so hardcore. But, then that's all people knew me as. I realized I found a bit of fame in being a bitch, but the cost was being tired, and being a bitch. It's really tiring to be like that all the time. I don't know how people can do that for longer than an hour.
Since I quit being a bitch, I have found myself leaning over towards being more silly, and smartass. Now, I am only like that to those who are some kind of bully, and go overboard. So lately I've kind of become some kind of protective person. Ah, and the evolution continues. But I know there will always be apart of me that will be a bitch when I have to. Just won't stay that way all the time now.
I might touch up on this later, as I have to go back to work, but for now...that's all she wrote!

Friday, 10 June 2011

Fear of calling strangers or something....

I have been doing great so far in my internship, and everything seems to be progressing really well except for one thing. I have to call strangers to gather more information. For someone like me, it's a bit of a pickle. I have numbers, I'm preparing a guideline/script so that I don't mess up, but I just don't like calling people I don't know. I never have.
A few years ago when the delivery people started coming out with the whole ORDER ONLINE thing, I was so up for that. Since then I haven't called in once to get pizza or anything. If there has to be a call made, I make someone else do it.
I started looking up ways to overcome this fear on the internet, but no such luck. Maybe it's because I worked as a cold caller for a whole week, to try and get people to donate their money. Or the other time I worked about a month at a survey place. The surveys were freakishly long, and I had to tell people it wouldn't take up much of their time.
Thinking about what I have to do isn't that big of a deal anyways, I've contacted these people through email, and they gave me the okay to call, and ask some questions. It's not even like I'm selling them anything.
WHY OH WHY DID THIS HAPPEN TO ME?! I could walk over to their place, meet them face to face, and chat them up like we're the best of friends, but when it comes to calling them...-sigh-
Well, I will be giving it a shot this afternoon. Outside of my little corner in this office. It get's very quiet in here when everyones working, so I was thinking of going into the stairwell to make these calls. Well, I got a peanut butter, and banana sandwich waiting for me, so I'm heading to lunch, after thatI will be trying to make those calls.

Better start putting on my brave face or my game face, and brace myself!

Thursday, 9 June 2011

I actually love my job.

See, that doesn't happen to most people in this world.  People grow up thinking, I have to get a good PAYING job that will give me a great life.  That's not how I grew up, I grew thinking about what would make me happy for the rest of my life.  Starting at age 12, I came to a decision.  Film.  I loved film, and knew almost nothing about it, but when I made the decision to work in the Film Industry, I started to really get involved.  I watched movies with commentaries, I research all over the internet, and I became an extra just to get on an actual set.  All those years of work have paid off.  I am in a Fantastic program called New Voices, and things have not been better in a very, very long time!  I feel so thankful to have been accepted, and now I may actually get the chance to find work in the industry because I have skills, and contacts to do it!
I'm so excited for my future.  How many people these days can say that?